My personal styling services for men and women are affordable, fun
and always life changing in some way!
Knowing what to wear and how to wear it often becomes a nightmare for many men and women. In our teenage years we throw the rule books out of the window and dress in a way that suits our personality at that time. Throw in a few more years, some career transitions, body shape changes and even entry into the world of parenthood and all of a sudden, all sense of knowing what’s right and what’s clearly not goes out of the window. We feel stuck between fashion worlds.
Sound familiar?
You’re not alone.
ALL of my clients feel the same when they come to see me. The good news is that after our time together they all feel more confident, excited and with a fresh sense of style.
ladies’ packages
If your frustrated with your wardrobe, struggling at the thought of shopping, dont know what colours are right for you, then book this individual package
men’s packages
This package will suit any man that has lost his style confidence, are you moving up in your job? need a new look? or just fed up wearing the same clothes.