men’s packages
This package will suit any man that has lost his style confidence, are you moving up in your job? Need a new look? or just fed up wearing the same clothes. Are you wearing the right colours to suit you and your personality?
I've created a special package just for men, we will spend the day together on a personal shop where I will teach you how to shop, where to shop and the best colours for you.
This package is a fantastic way to treat yourself and learn about styles/trends and colours, showing you that you can be a stylish confident man.
wardrobe consultation
Fall in love with your wardrobe, lets shop with your clothes and I will show you how to create amazing outfits without spending money.
They say a well organised wardrobe can say a lot about you, how is your wardrobe looking?
Outdated, unorganised and full of clothes you never wear??
Can’t find a particular item because its hiding at the back of the wardrobe?
Having a wardrobe detox can make a huge difference to your daily routine and also your purse/wallet.
My job is to declutter, reorganise and create outfits for you with your own clothes, it’s all about helping you fall in love with your clothes again.
You will feel excited about your clothes and this will let you build outfits quickly and easily and make sure you’re wearing all of what’s in it, saving you time on those busy days.
Wardrobe consultation £60 per hour
Personal Shopping
Let me hold your hand and do the shopping for you.
I will show you how & where to shop. Help you find your own unique style.
My job as a stylist is to help my clients achieve their goal of finding their own personal style that suits them to look their best.
I love working with men who are ready to make that change to update their wardrobe and style. Working with me on a personal shop is always fun and affordable to suit your budget.
Shopping on your own can be really daunting and overwhelming if your stuck in a style rut, let me hold your hand and do all the leg work finding you the best clothes to suit your lifestyle and budget. I will show you how to invest in key pieces that will be timeless and help you be more confident with the choices you make when you shop in the future.
You will finish the shop feeling excited and with a fresh sense of style just for you.
Personal Shopping £60 per hour
Finding your Colours
Wearing the right colours can instantly make you look younger, healthier and more vibrant.
Choosing the right colours to wear can be really tricky especially if you don’t know your colours.
Are you wearing colours to suit your hair and eye colour?
Do you know what colours best suit your skin tone?
Wearing the wrong colours can have a negative effect on your appearance. It can age you, make you look more tired, knowing the right colours for you can instantly make you look younger and confident.
During our wardrobe detox or personal shop I will show you how to wear the best colours for you, and also the colours to avoid. Let me teach you about colours to enhance your features, brighten up your wardrobe and make your shopping trips easier.
All-in-One Package
Create that perfect package for you or someone special.
We will spend the day together with a wardrobe edit & personal shop showing you how to style for your lifestyle and budget
Full day 6 hours for £350